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About me

My name is Jacqueline Shahar, I am a clinical exercise physiologist and a diabetes specialist. I have more than 20 years experience working at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, Massachusetts. I guide and coach people who have been diagnosed with diabetes (pre diabetes, type 1 and type 2) and other medical conditions to use movement and exercise tools to improve their condition and functional ability.

I am passionate about exercise! In my free time, I work on improving the mobility of my body, I perform resistance training to preserve and increase the strength of my muscles. I practice vinyasa flow yoga and enjoy cycling, walking, and hiking. Additionally, I practice daily breathing-meditation exercises and cook nutritious meals. I am married and have two daughters and a dog.

Jacqueline Shahar
Professional Bio

Professional Bio

  • Credentials: MEd, RCEP, CDCEC

  • Served as a Fitness Combat Trainer in the Defense Forces. 

  • Completed a Bachelor's of Education degree in Physical Education from the Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel Aviv, Israel. 

  • Completed a Master's of Education degree in Applied Exercise Science from Springfield College, Springfield MA. 

  • Holds a Certificate of Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist by the American College of Sports Medicine

  • Holds a Certificate of Diabetes Care and Education Specialist by the Certification Board for Diabetes Care and Education

  • Hold a Certificate of Myokinematic Restoration by the Postural Restoration Institute

My approach

My Approach 

Starting a regular exercise routine can be tough, however I can empower you with knowledge, tools, and skills in a non-judgmental way to take the first step into your new plan and support you as you progress to achieving your goals. 

Exercise is essential in the prevention and management of chronic conditions, and can have many health benefits. Activating muscles with physical activity and structure exercise routine can improve your glucose time in range since active muscles take up glucose to be used as energy. As a result, your functional longevity improves and there is less need for medicine! 

Every human body moves in a unique way due to daily life activity habits and injuries. Lack of movement or certain repetitive unhealthy movements can reshape the body and lead to common patterns of compensation. These compensations affect human movement and the capabilities of the body to function efficiently.  Therefore, glucose control impacted in a negative way as your muscles don't contract forcefully and muscle mass decrease over time with aging. It is a negative vicious cycle which lead to deterioration of overall quality of movement and quality of life.

My role is to address and correct the associated movement dysfunctions, limit the risk of injury, find ways to improve movement quality so your muscles contract forcefully and efficiently. This way your muscles will increase take up of glucose and contribute to smooth your glucose curve.

I prescribe a complete corrective exercise program with a focus on increasing mobility and strength, preserving and/or gaining muscle mass, applying training principles while taking into consideration your glucose level other medical condition and personal goals. I promote a healthier lifestyle through exercise science education, healthy and balanced eating around exercise, and teach ways to utilize exercise as your new medicine. 


Contact me today to start your journey to smooth your glucose curve and live an active lifestyle the way you want it to be! 

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